Are you feeling less safe from crime these days? Guess what -- you are not alone because most Americans are saying right now that they are feeling more afraid of crime than they were two years ago.
Americans were asked in a study by the Trafalgar Group whether they feel safe in the land of the free. Concerningly, 67.9% of respondents said that, compared to two years prior, they feel less protected in the United States.
Take a look at the reasons why. Murders have increased by 6% in 2021 across the nation. That doesn't seem like much, but it comes on top of a 30% increase from the year earlier (2019 to 2020).
And look at the cities that have had huge spikes in crime:
New Orleans, Louisiana, passed the city of St. Louis as the murder capital of America with 52 homicides per 100,000 residents.
Crime in New York City rose 37% this year alone. Grand larceny is up 49%. Auto theft rose 46.2%, robberies are up 39.2%, and assaults increased 18.6%.
Crime in Chicago makes NYC look like a piker. Murders in Chicago are 500% higher than NYC and 250% higher than LA. Crime in Chicago rose 37% from 2021, and now new laws will hamper the police in enforcing the law. Carjackings have skyrocketed.
Homicides in Philadelphia are at a record high of 562 in 2021. Sadly, they are on forecasted to pass that level in 2022.